Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Stocking Up on the Essentials

For those of you who don't know, I have decided to use cloth diapers. Many people tried to discourage me, even though I told them how much cloth diapers have actually changed since "back in the day."

They now have velcro and snaps. No more using safety pins or keeping a smelly bucket of water around (ewe).

For me, cloth diapers are the best way to go. I believe strongly (don't worry this sermon won't be long) that we need to do what we can to preserve our environment. Using cloth diapers means less plastic diapers in the landfill. And that means less pollution to our precious soil in which we grow our food. The disposable diapers also contain chemicals that are bad for baby and their skin. Ok, I'm done.

That said ...my friend hooked me up with a friend on Facebook who was selling all of her BumGenius cloth diapers! BumGenius is one of the best brands out there and cost around $18 each, new.

I bought all 30 of her diapers for around $10 each and she included a diaper sprayer. Yay! My diaper stash is now complete.

So, neat that they are all in boy colors too.

This diaper sprayer attaches to your toilet so you can spray the poo poo right off into the toilet.

Since I'm buying "pre-loved" cloth diapers, why not buy "pre-loved" clothes?

Thanks to a friend and her garage sale, I got all of these baby clothes for $15. That's less than $1 a piece!

The good thing is that most of them are 6-18 months. So, when we run out of all of those newborn clothes that you normally get at your shower, we'll already have these and won't have to run out to get some new clothes right away. Good deal!

Here are some of my favorites . . .

Just like the big trucks daddy drives.

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