Friday, December 2, 2011

Sick Days

I know I haven't posted in a week!

I do want to share about our Thanksgiving, so I will post that soon.

Daniel and I both got hit with a cold, so this week has been filled with constant hand washing & Lysol spraying.

I missed 2 days of work and when I went back I was miserable. I've never felt so much pressure in my sinsuses before. My eyes and head felt like they were going to explode. I understand what people with constant allergies feel like now.

Let's just say I had my first experience with a Netti Pot and it was very interesting.

I was really concerned, because I know that having a fever while pregnant is not good. But, thank the Lord, I never had a fever and I'm getting better. Both Daniel and I still have the coughs & sniffles though.

The good news, is that while staying home for 2 days, I was able to do a lot around the house. I washed every dirty towel I could find and even put patches on some of Daniel's torn work jeans (I think one of the pairs has been sitting on top of the dryer for a year waiting for me to repair them).

I am constantly thinking about everything we need to do around the house to get it ready for baby. It's rare that I have the time or energy to actually do it though!

Now that the weekend is here, we will celebrate Daniel's bro's birthday and get some much needed rest.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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